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Child looking through a magnifying glass

Our Approach

Central to our philosophy is the conviction that learning should be joyful. We strive for excellence by continuously evaluating, assessing and reflecting on everything we do.


We aim to give children:

and independence
of thought
and respect
for others
social ease
Wider knowledge and understanding of the world

Our Ethos

READY STEADY GO is committed to giving children the happy, creative and positive pre-school experience which will help them become independent, confident individuals and prepare them for the next stage of their education.


READY STEADY GO is dedicated to creating, sustaining and developing an educational environment for children which is both vibrant and safe, stimulating yet holding. At READY STEADY GO, education and learning take account of the children’s interests and build on their abilities.


Central to the READY STEADY GO ethos is the conviction that learning can and should be joyful. READY STEADY GO education is a process of exploration, discovery and experiencing. At its heart is the precept: I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.


Children making vegetable couscous

"Rich, challenging learning opportunities that motivate and engage all children"
Ofsted Outstanding • March 2016 • Primrose Hill 

"A warm and caring environment, which enables children of all ages to feel safe and secure."
Ofsted Outstanding • February 2020 • Primrose Hill 

Children making a pretend campfire

"Children are very confident, self-assured and emotionally well prepared for school life"
Ofsted Outstanding • March 2016 • Primrose Hill 

Child being helped to draw

"The nursery has an exceptional focus on developing children's language and communication skills"
Ofsted Outstanding • January 2016 • St Johns Wood 

Child looking at blender

"The staff team discuss how they strive for excellence and are motivated to continually improve the learning experiences for children."
Ofsted Outstanding • March 2016 • Fitzroy Road 

Our Curriculum

The EYFS is a detailed, statutory approach to early years which encompasses all aspects of a child’s care and education from birth to the age of five. It leads children towards and prepares them for learning in key stage 1 — ie when they start full-time school.


The EYFS educational structure is organised around what are called early learning goals and Characteristics of effective learning. The Qualifications & Curriculum Authority (QCA): ‘The early learning goals establish expectations for most children to reach by the end of the [early years] foundation stage.’


Taking the EYFS as a basis, RSG aims to ensure that every child gets high quality care and education which addresses their individual needs and interests and helps them develop into independent, confident individuals.


The EYFS is organised into seven areas of learning & development. Each of the seven areas are further divided into two or more aspects.


The Characteristics of effective learning (CEL) are an element of the EYFS which cross all seven areas of learning. In essence, CEL are about how a child learns to learn — which is at least as important as what they learn, probably more so. CEL are prerequisites for learning. They are the emotional and attitudinal underpinnings a child needs if they are to overcome the inevitable obstacles and difficulties they will encounter en route to becoming a confident and capable learner.


Having seven areas plus three Characteristics of effective teaching and learning does not mean a child’s learning is divided into ten discrete chunks. Rather, it is a way of ensuring that a young child’s learning develops in a broad and integrated manner.


RSG has, over the years, developed its own approach to the EYFS, with activities designed to reflect children’s needs, interests and concerns. At the heart of this approach is a conviction that play is central to all pre-school education.


All our centres have have been judged ‘outstanding in all areas’ by Ofsted.


Children in a circle singing Five Little Sandcastles

"The dedicated manager and her staff provide a highly successful, challenging curriculum that builds on what children know and can do."
Ofsted Outstanding • February 2020 • Primrose Hill 

© 2023 Ready Steady Go 

Ready Steady Go Pre-Schools Ltd
UK Registration 07183248 

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